Digital UV Camera Conversion Specialists
Our journey in to the UV world began when we were approached by a UK police service to develop a digital UV imaging system. This was to replace the film based system, which at the time was the only available means for obtaining UV images. Our digital UV products and flash equipment have now been in production for more than 10 years, and have been at the forefront of the change from film to digital in this field.
Beginning in 2005, our equipment was tested alongside other products in a 2 year investigation by Cardiff University and NHS Wales. This investigation resulted in a number of academic papers, and held our UV equipment to be the best in the field by a very significant margin. More recently, we have further improved our UV filter, and it now significantly out-performs our original filter.
ACS UV converted cameras and flash equipment are now in use in the majority of police forensic services throughout the UK. Our UV conversions and UV flash equipment is used by hospitals, universities, and scientific institutions throughout the world.
Click here to see our UV lens and UV flash products
UV photography has uses in improved imaging of latent fingerprint residues, body fluid traces and contaminants and stains. Imaging of shoe prints on surfaces where visible light contrast is low, documentation of injuries and evidence. UV flash can also be used to fluoresce many materials for visible light photography.
Uses include dermatology; skin damage, the effects of the sun, melanoma. Imaging of bite marks and other pattern injuries on skin. Our equipment is widely used in the development and testing of cosmetics and sun protection.
Among the great many applications for UV photography in this field are these: Imaging the cloud patterns of Venus, which are highlighted in the UV spectrum. Improved imaging of the lunar surface which shows greater detail and contrast in UV.
UV can be used to study how plants attract pollinating insects. Pollen itself fluoresces in UV and the markings on flowers and petals are very clear to see in UV.
Conservation of Art
With a UV converted camera you can easily document where paintings have been repaired in the past. Even when repairs are difficult, or even impossible to see with the naked eye, they are very clearly seen in UV. You can also identify certain pigments and binders with UV photography, or UV fluorescence, and use this information in dating.
Conservation of Antiquities
UV imaging can be used for improving imaging of carving and other surface markings in ivory and other materials. UV fluorescence can identify pigments, minerals and even patterns in textiles, which can also be used to date objects.
Conservation of Manuscripts
In Palimpsests where text has been obscured or overwritten, UV can be used to highlight text, increase contrast, and generally improve legibility when imaging some documents.
A great many birds and animals are either able to see UV, or have UV markings themselves. Many use UV as either predator or prey to aid their survival. Our equipment is regularly used by the BBC, ITV, and many other nature film makers to illustrate this, and also by universities and institutions in their studies.
Our UV equipment is used throughout the world across many different disciplines. You can use UV imaging for many applications including; imaging of lightening, plasma, high voltage emissions, spark propagation, combustion analysis, transmission line faults, analysis of chemicals and materials