Here we have a space to show you some of the possibilities of Infra-red photography. Most of the images in this gallery have been very kindly donated to us by our customers. The galleries are intended to be a showcase for the work of our customers.
We would like this page to be an inspiration, and a reference point to anyone new to infra-red. We will try to maintain a balanced variety of subjects. We will try to represent as many camera and filter types as possible, and hence, give customers an idea of what they can expect.
For more information about converting your camera to infra-red, please visit our conversion page.
Let us feature your infra-red photography.
With your help, the gallery pages are constantly growing. If you would like to submit any of your own infrared images, please get in touch. We are very grateful for all images submitted. We do not give permission for any of these images to be copied or used, except where such permission is stated by the credited photographer.